Know every details about Diglipur Island like When to Visit, Things to do, Activities near Diglipur, Best Cuisines in Diglipur, Hotels for Accommodation in Diglipur Island, etc.

Northern most part of Andaman islands, located at 342 km from Port Blair, it hosts the most beautiful landscapes . This island is a popular eco tourism destination that covers the wide greenery and Marine life. If you take a road trip to diglipur, you come across some breath taking views of your life time,covering through the dense tropical rain forests. Admist the nature, you see some tribals ( jarwas )on your way,experiencing vehicle ferry transportations. In Diglipur you find the famous Ross & Smith islands here, that has a naturally formed sand bar connecting these islands like bridge in the sea. Kalipur beach and Ramnagar are some pristine beaches in the island of Diglipur. The highest mountain of Andaman & Nicobar Islands is the Saddle Peak located in Diglipur Island.

How to get there :

Planning to head to diglipur, Take a government ferry from Port Blair To Diglipur Or Mayabunder . The best way to reach Diglipur is book a private cab and ahead for a journey of your lifetime covering 8 beaches and many exotic locations on your road travel.

Best Time To Visit :

September to May.